Lingual Orthodontics

An excellent alternative to traditional braces, lingual orthodontic treatment could be an option for you!

Smiling Young Gardener

Absolutely determined to enhance your smile this year? Whether your teeth aren’t as straight as you’d like, your bite needs adjusting, or you’re seeking the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile, you might hesitate at the thought of wearing traditional braces for a year or two. If that’s the case, consider reaching out to Dr. Rosenberg to explore the option of lingual orthodontics, or lingual braces.

What are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces provide a nearly invisible solution for teeth alignment. Unlike traditional braces, which use brackets attached to the front of the teeth with dental cement and rubber bands or clips to hold an arch wire, lingual braces are placed on the inner surface of your teeth. This unique positioning keeps them out of sight, even when you smile.

“Toward the tongue” is what “lingual” signifies, and this hidden placement is the key difference between lingual and traditional braces. Each set of lingual braces is custom-made for your teeth, utilizing a precise treatment plan and specially crafted arch wires to align your teeth from the inside gradually. As a result, these braces are almost invisible.

Are Lingual Braces Right for You?

You might be a suitable candidate for lingual braces if:

  • You want the most discreet orthodontic treatment available.
  • You don’t have a severe malocclusion (bite problem). A major overbite might reduce the space available for the brackets.
  • Your tooth surfaces are large enough to accommodate lingual brackets. Children or adults with smaller teeth may not be ideal candidates.

Why Choose Ocean State Orthodontics for Lingual Braces?

Because of their complex installation and adjustment, lingual braces require orthodontists to have specialized training. To learn more about lingual braces and determine if they’re the right option for you, contact Ocean State Orthodontics and schedule a consultation with Dr. Barry Rosenberg.