Post Care Instructions: Scaling and Root Planing

Important Information for you to remember at home after scaling and root planing


Do’s and Don’ts after Scaling and Root Planing

  • Avoid eating anything until the numbness has worn off completely.

  • Avoid any hard foods that can leave small particles that may get caught underneath the gum tissue such as potato or tortilla chips, nuts, seeds, popcorn, etc.

  • Resume your home care regimen immediately. Be sure to incorporate any suggestions your hygienist made during your visit.

  • To help soothe the area, rinse your mouth 2-3 times per day with warm salt water rinses. Use one teaspoon of salt for an 8 oz glass of water.

  • Take a non-aspirin pain reliever for discomfort. Take Advil or Tylenol (whatever you would take for a headache) unless you are allergic or have a medical condition that does not allow this kind of medication.

  • Smoking slows healing. Please refrain from smoking for 24-48 hours after your visit.

  • Swelling or persistent discomfort should be reported to our office.