Cone Beam Collimated Tomography

The ProMax 3D is a versatile 2D/3D imaging machine that allows us to provide better diagnostics, treatment planning and patient counseling than ever before.
The ProMax 3D’s patented SCARA (Selectively Compliant Articulated Robotic Arm) expertise endows customized, unquestionable imaging founded on persevering anatomy. It is perfect for a broad range of specialties, with a very wide variety of imaging outlooks for diagnosis, designing, case presentation, and treatment for the dental surgeon whose practice encompasses general dentistry, oral surgery, orthodontics, implants, and other specialties.
CT Scans and Cone Beam Imaging systems generate 3D, high definition x-rays within seconds. The panoramic images are remarkably clear, which helps with diagnosing and treating dental ailments. These scans allow us to quickly assess your dental needs and get you back out enjoying your life in less time than you might expect from traditional imaging equipment.
The health and safety of our patients is our highest priority, which is why we utilize a cone beam imaging system in our office. Unlike traditional x-ray systems, the Cone Beam system produces a very low dose of radiation, thus reducing unnecessary exposure. Some additional benefits of cone beam imaging include:
- Visualize anatomy that can not be diagnosed externally or from traditional x-rays
- Create better, more effective treatment plans
- Assess benefits and risk of treatment options
- Analyze the position and orientation of critical structures, such as nerves, prior to the procedure
- Up to 10x less radiation exposure to the patient than traditional x-rays
- Faster scan time (10-40 seconds vs. several minutes)
- Less expensive than traditional hospital CT Scans