Clear Ceramic Braces

Tooth-colored or clear brackets make clear ceramic braces harder to see compared to traditional metal braces.

Braces, treatment for a crooked teeth

Ceramic braces are similar to conventional metal braces, but other people may not notice them as easily. Each smooth bracket is constructed from a translucent material to match your teeth for a discreet look. Our team recommends clear braces for individuals in southern Rhode Island who may want to straighten their smile through the advantages of conventional braces, but with a more attractive look. If you’re interested in getting more information on clear ceramic braces for teeth or researching other orthodontic choices, contact our Ocean State Orthodontics office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barry Rosenberg.


What are the Advantages of Clear Ceramic Braces?

Clear ceramic braces are a unique orthodontic treatment option with several benefits. A primary benefit of ceramic braces is their comfort. Ceramic braces utilize smaller, rounded brackets that are less likely to cause discomfort and irritate your gums as traditional metal braces can. Some of the other advantages of ceramic braces include:

  • Designed for maximum durability
  • Archwire can be colored to blend seamlessly with your smile
  • More discreet than traditional braces
  • Less noticeable in pictures
  • Reduced risk of discoloration after treatment

Who is a Candidate for Clear Braces?

Clear ceramic braces are an effective and affordable option for straightening teeth. Ideal candidates for this orthodontic treatment include:

  1. Teenagers or adults seeking a subtle orthodontic option to straighten their teeth
  2. Individuals with good oral hygiene routines, which can help keep the clear elastic bands from yellowing
  3. Individuals seeking a continuous treatment option
  4. Individuals with bite issues or crowded teeth

How are Ceramic Braces Placed on Your Teeth?

First, our team will clean and polish your teeth with a special cleaner. Then we brush on a sealant, and the tips of your teeth will be gently smoothed if needed. The clear mounts will be positioned on each individual tooth. When the mounts are in their correct position, we use UV (ultraviolet) light to harden the adhesive immediately. This simple procedure should not result in any discomfort and attaches the brackets to your teeth swiftly. The last step is threading the wire through each of the brackets and using small clear or white elastics to fasten the wire to the brackets. The whole procedure typically only takes a few hours to complete from start to finish.

Contact Dr. Barry Rosenberg and the team at Ocean State Orthodontics to discuss clear ceramic braces or other alternatives for your perfect smile!